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Mr. Chélan had refused the accommodations that the country's most esteemed liberals had offered him ad nauseam, when his dismissal drove him from the rectory. The two rooms he had rented were cluttered with his books. Julien, wanting to show Verrières what it was like to be a priest, got from his father a dozen planks of fir, which he himself carried on his back all the way down the main street. He borrowed some tools from an old comrade, and soon had built a sort of library in which he stored Mr. Chélan's books.

Sa Majesté went down to the beautiful new churchwhich that day was decked out in all its crimson curtains. The king was to dine, and immediately afterwards get back in the carriage to venerate the famous relic of St. Clement. No sooner had the king arrived at the church than Julien galloped towards M. de Rênal's house. There, with a sigh, he left his beautiful sky-blue suit, his saber and his epaulettes, and changed back into his little black suit. He remounted his horse, and in a few moments was in Bray-le-Haut, which occupies the summit of a beautiful hill. Enthusiasm multiplies these peasants, Julien thought. You can't move in Verrières, and here are over ten thousand of them around this ancient abbey. Half ruined by revolutionary vandalism, it had been magnificently restored since the

The height of the walls, the depth of the moats, the terrible air of the cannons had occupied him for several hours, when he passed the grand café, on the boulevard. He stood motionless in admiration; no matter how he read the word café, written in large letters above the two huge doors, he couldn't believe his eyes. Overcoming his shyness, he dared to enter, and found himself in a room thirty or forty paces long, with a ceiling at least twenty feet high. That day, everything was enchantment for him.

Whatever you may say, my dear abbé, replied M. de Rênal, I will not expose the administration of Verrières to receiving an affront from M. de La Mole. You don't know him, he thinks well at court; but here, in the provinces, he's a bad joke, satirical, mocking, seeking only to embarrass people. He is capable, purely for amusement, of covering us with ridicule in the eyes of the liberals.

- You see, Monsieur, that I claim your opinions, as if you were already occupying the position to which all honest people carry you. In this unfortunate city, manufactures are prospering, the liberal party is becoming millionaires, it aspires to power, it will know how to make weapons out of everything. Let's consult the king's interests, those of the monarchy, and above all the interests of our holy religion. Who do you think, Sir, should be entrusted with the command of the guard of honor.

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