The Team

The Art Traffik Team 


Passionate, and determined to aptly represent its name… 


« I wanted a team that lived up to the company’s image…unconventional yet committed, and, above all, passionate : receptive and attentive to the needs of artists and our customers, whether they be art lovers, occasional buyers or confirmed collectors, and with a genuine personal relationship and an irreproachable service to all. Our ambition being to forge a more direct bond between artists, artworks, Art and art lovers, I am proud and grateful to have a like-minded team that shares the pleasure of creating such encounters and THE crush between an art lover and an artwork, by doing everything in its power to make it possible and accessible.” Laurent Jeanniard, Art Traffiker n°1

Laurent Jeanniard

« I love Art because it is a source of escapism, and of pleasure and emotions. Art makes you feel good… I could go on for hours…

I created Art Traffik to share all of these things, but above all to break the paradigm that Art is for experts or a financial elite. NO.

Let us recall that today’s greatest (and most expensive) artists all began selling at very accessible prices. Purchasing an artwork should always first be based on emotions, the sensitivity factor.


Art Traffik shares with you its selection of artists, whether emerging (at more accessible prices) or internationally renowned.

Art at any cost, YES, but, please, Art at all costs ! It’s all about falling in love with an artwork, having A crush. That’s what matters most ! »


Anne Patoiseau

« Do you know what I discovered by working at Art Traffik and to which I am very pleased to partake in ? It’s the family spirit, the closeness and simplicity that unite the team, the artists and the visitors (of both the website and our showroom), by the magic of Art.

We truly put all our efforts in creating a bond between an artwork, an artist and the potential buyer.

And that bond is all the more solid, because of the artist’s genuineness which is a major criterion in our selection; If one loves an artist’s work, he or she will also be moved by the person behind the artist.

Day in and day out, I proudly make sure that our artworks are not perceived as “products”, our artists as “suppliers”, or our members as mere “clients”, by putting the human back at the center of our relationship with Art. »



Christine Loupien

«  Art ? I’ve always loved it and been intrigued by it, without ever really looking to have a deep understanding of it, but appreciating its emotional significance, including that of having an artwork at home.

What I discovered at and with Art Traffik is the double pleasure of allowing an artwork to enter a living room or a bedroom : 

- the pleasure of a customer who discovers and acquires an artwork they fell in love with ;

- the pleasure of announcing to one of our artists that a customer was moved by their artwork, and purchased it.

To initiate and be a part of the encounter between an art lover and an artwork, between an artist and his/her public, is sheer joy for me. It’s like playing cupid : bringing two people together and making them happy.”


Méryl Quinton


«Given my sensitivity to Art, it has always held a special place in my life. Yet, until stepping  through Art Traffik’s doors, my knowledge and my culture of art were limited to what I had learned in school, and to my native culture (Reunion Island). Art seemed to be so inaccessible, in every which way…

By joining the Art Traffik team, not only did I learn how much I was mistaken, but also that I had a passion for sharing art with others.

I’ve always been told “ La mizik i done l ame a nout ker é l art i done a nou la liberté” (music gives the heart a soul, art sets us free)- it’s even truer than I could have ever imagined! »





In need of information or advice ?


Looking for personalized assistance ? Contact us !

Simply put : our team is mobilized, ready to bend over backwards to bring you satisfaction and that high quality, Art Traffik experience !


The Art Traffik Perks

Buy-back guarantee at the purchase price
Because Art Traffik’s selection has proven its worth, and we wish to simplify and demystify the purchase of art, Art Traffik offers the first 5-years buy-back guarantee, at the selling price.
Payment in installments free of charge
Treat yourself to an artwork by paying in instalments ? Art Traffik has decided to break all barriers that may hinder your acquisition of the artwork you love. We accept payments in instalments, WITHOUT ADDITIONAL COSTS OR FEES.
Exclusive for companies & liberal professionals
Philanthropy law or better yet, art leasing, we will explain all the possible advantages of purchasing art.
The resale of artworks
Looking to resell an artwork ? Take advantage of our website to find a potential buyer, within our community. No fees or commission.
Advice on buying art
To find out more about an artwork, an artist, benefit from our expertise or “take a tour”, do not hesitate, it would be our pleasure!
Art as a gift / The boxed set
Offer beauty, give the gift of art! A simple purchase, or a group gift, offer the Art Traffik gift box. A gift certificate or a particular artwork, discover our gift ideas.